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作者:刘霞1  武宗寅2 
单位:1. 济南大学/山东省医学科学院 医学与生命科学学院, 山东 济南 250000;
2. 济宁市第一人民医院, 山东 济宁 272067
关键词:深静脉血栓 肺栓塞 发病率 评估 干预 


Objective: To explore the effects of standardized assessment and early intervention on the incidence rate of pulmonary embolism(PE).Methods: The clinical data of inpatients in thehospital from 2014 to 2016 were collected and the incidence trend of patients with PE in 3 years was analyzed. Meanwhile, according to deep venous thrombosis (DVT) score, high-risk population of DVT in 3 years were screened and the utilized rate of ankle pump movement, limb pressure treatment, intermittent balloon compression device, elastic stockings, low molecular weight heparin and early ambulation were compared in the high-risk population of DVT. The relationship was analyzedbetween the early usage of interventions and reduction of PE incidence. Results: The PE incidence rate of inpatientsdecreased gradually from 2014 to 2016(P<0.05), while the utilizedrate of ankle pump movement and other interventions increased gradually except the use of elastic stockings (P<0.05) in high-risk population of DVT.Conclusion: With more and more help of ankle pump exercise and other interventions, the incidence rate of PE decreases gradually, suggesting that standardized assessment and early intervention on high-risk population of DVT are effective in the prevention of PE.


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