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单位:南京市建邺区疾病预防控制中心, 江苏 南京 210019
关键词:诺如病毒 疾病暴发 接触传播 气溶胶传播 

目的:调查南京某小学一起急性胃肠炎暴发疫情的原因和危险因素,为做好防控措施提供参考。方法:采用描述性流行病学方法和病例对照研究对疫情资料进行分析。结果:共报告病例36例,病例对照多因素分析显示,发病前3 d接触患者(OR=19.35,95%CI 1.930~193.925)、暴露在患者呕吐物1 m内(OR=18.43,95%CI 2.780~122.153)是发病的独立危险因素,饭前便后洗手(OR=0.04,95%CI 0.006~0.313)是发病的独立保护因素。结论:本次疫情为GⅡ型诺如病毒感染引起的学校急性胃肠炎暴发,发病前3 d接触患者和暴露于患者呕吐物1 m内是暴发的危险因素,饭前便后洗手是保护因素,因此尽早隔离患者,正确消毒呕吐物,做好手卫生,提倡不带病上课,能有效防止疫情扩散。

Objective: To investigate the pathogen and risk factors for an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis in a primary school in Nanjing, and to provide evidence for intervention measures. Methods: The data was analyzed by descriptive epidemiology and case-control study. Results: A total of 36 cases were found. Multivariate analysis indicated that contracted with patients 3 days before onset (OR=19.35,95%CI 1.930-193.925), exposed to vomit in 1 meter (OR=18.43,95%CI 2.780-122.153) were risk factors and washing hands(OR=0.04,95%CI 0.006-0.313)was protective factor. Conclusion:The incident of this gastroenteritis is caused by Norovirus GⅡ virus infection. Contracted with patients 3 days before onset and exposured the vomit in 1 meter are the major risk factors of the outbreak, and washing hands is the protective factor of the outbreak. For control the outbreak, it's necessary to isolate patients as early, hand with vomit effectively, improve hand hygiene, and advocate learning without illness.


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