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作者:毛海鹰1  滕华安2  廖礼艳1  黄丽娜1  王曼玲1  姚玲3 
单位:1. 宜宾市第三人民医院 肝病感染病科, 四川 宜宾 644000;
2. 宜宾市第三人民医院 肝胆外科, 四川 宜宾 644000;
3. 宜宾市第二人民医院 感染科, 四川 宜宾 644000
关键词:肝功能衰竭 异甘草酸镁 血浆置换 


Objective: To investigate the effect of isoglycyrrhizinate combined with plasma exchange in the treatment of patients with hepatitis B virus-related acute-on-chronic liver failure(HBV-ACLF). Methods: Sixty patients with HBV-ACLF were enrolled in this study and divided into two groups.Thirty patients in the control group were treated by internal comprehensive therapy combined with plasma exchange,and the other patients in the treatment group were treated with isoglycyrrhizinate on the basis of the control group. The mortality rates,liver functions and times of plasma exchange were observed dynamiclly during the treatment.All the patients were followed up for 48 weeks. Results: The mortality rate in the treatment group was slightly lower than that of the control group at each observation time point,but there were no statistical significance(P>0.05).The level of serum alanine aminotransferase(ALT) in the treatment group was significantly lower than that of the control group at the end of the first week of treatment(P<0.05).The levels of serum ALT, total bilirubin and international normalized ratio in the treatment group were all significantly lower than those of the control group at the end of the fourth week of treatment(P<0.05). Compared with the control group, the average times of plasma exchange in the treatment group were significantly fewer(P<0.05). Conclusion: Isoglycyrrhizinate combined with plasma exchange can rapidly improve liver functions,shorten the course of treatment and reduce the times of plasma exchange in patients with HBV-ACLF.


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