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作者:马云飞  杨益虎  李宏波  张玫玫  毛书霞 
单位:南京中医药大学附属医院/江苏省中医院 超声医学科, 江苏 南京 210029
关键词:三维输卵管超声造影 二维输卵管超声造影 不孕症 


Objective:To investigate the value of real-time three-dimensional hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography (3D-HyCoSy)in the diagnosis of tubal patency compared with transvaginal two-dimensional hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography (2D-HyCoSy). Methods:From December 2017 to October 2018, 114 patients with primary infertility wereexamined by transvaginal real-time 3D-HyCoSy and 2D-HyCoSy. The time of contrast examination, the dose of contrast medium and the display of fallopian tube were compared between the two g contrast-enhanced ultrasonography models of fallopian tube.Results:The contrast examination time of the three-dimensional model was significantly shorter than that of the two-dimensional model, and the contrast agent dosage of the three-dimensional model was less than that of the two-dimensional model (P<0.05). The distal tubal display rate of the three-dimensional model was significantly higher than that of the two-dimensional model (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the proximal tubal display rate between the three-dimensional model and the two-dimensional model (P>0.05).Conclusion:Compared with 2D-HyCoSy, 3D-HyCoSy can clearly show the contrast agent's flow from the uterine cavity into the fallopian tube and the end of the umbrella, which is more advantageous. For some institutionswhere only 2D-HyCoSy can be carried out, attention should be paid to checking the operator's dependence skill and false positive rate of distal obstruction of the fallopian tubes to avoid misdiagnosis.


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