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作者:刚婷婷  杨莘  董婷婷  封彬 
单位:首都医科大学宣武医院 护理部, 北京 100053
关键词:柯氏模型 新入职护士 规范化培训 效果评价 


Objective: To analyze the problems in the standardized training of nurses and to provide effective feedback information for the optimization of training,as well as the reference for improving the evaluation model of the effect of standardized training of nurses, thus lay the foundation for the further training of new entry nurses in the next step. Methods: Base on the Kirkpatrick model, the effect of standardized training of nurses was evaluated from four levels:reaction level,learning level, behavior level and result level. Results: Nurses standardized training teachers and nurses had higher overall feedback satisfaction. After the standardized training, the new nurses had passed the standardized training examination of nurses in Beijing Hospital Management Center, and their comprehensive ability had been improved, which not only reflected in the passing rate of professional title assessment related to their own professional development, but also showed obvious advantages in personal professional development and gained social recognition. Conclusion: The evaluation method of Kirkpatrick's four level evaluation model provides a scientific and comprehensive basis to evaluate the effect of standardized training for new nurses.


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