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作者:陈梅林  苏贞绍  颜永清  车建华 
单位:钦州市第一人民医院 肿瘤内科, 广西 钦州 535000
关键词:三阴性乳腺癌 维生素D Ki67 联合 生存结局 预后评估 


Objective: To explore the value of vitamin D combined with Ki67 in prognosis evaluation of patients with triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) after chemotherapy.Methods: 118 patients with TNBC admitted to our hospital from January 2015 to December 2018 were selected as the research objects. The correlation between vitamin D, Ki67 and overall survival rate (OS), tumor-free survival rate (DFS) were analyzed, and the predictive role of vitamin D combined with Ki67 in the prognosis evaluation of patients after TNBC chemotherapy was analyzed.Results: Serum 25-(OH) d was positively correlated with OS and DFS in 118 patients with TNBC (P<0.05), while Ki67 was negatively correlated with OS and DFS (P<0.05). In Cox regression analysis, serum 25-(OH) d, TNM stage, lymph node metastasis and Ki67 were independent influencing factors of OS and DFS in TNBC patients (P<0.05). The AUC of serum 25-(OH) d combined with Ki67 in assessing OS and DFS were 0.901 and 0.917, respectively, which were higher than those of OS and DFS evaluated by single index (P<0.05).Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency and Ki67 (+) are independent risk factors for survival and prognosis of TNBC patients. Vitamin D combined with ki67 may be more accurate in predicting survival and prognosis of patients with TNBC after chemotherapy than a single index.


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