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作者:朱成玲1  王静2 
单位:1. 安康市中医医院 产科, 陕西 安康 725000;
2. 安康市中医医院 妇科, 陕西 安康 725000
关键词:凶险性前置胎盘 妊娠结局 术前管理 预后 


Objective: To retrospectively analyze the influence of pernicious placenta previa on pregnancy outcome and the importance of preoperative management to improve the prognosis of mother and child. Methods: Fifty patients with pernicious placenta previa were enrolled in our hospital from January 2015 to January 2017. They were divided into placenta accreta group(24 cases) and non placenta accreta group(26cases) to explore the effect of pernicious placenta previa on pregnancy outcomes; according to the preoperative management the patients were divided into selective group(34cases) and emergenr group(16cases) to explore the effect of preoperative management on the prognosis of mothers and infants. The blood loss and blood transfusion status of the patients were analyzed, and the postoperative complications of the mothers and infants were compared.Results: The mean blood loss of the placenta accreta group was significantly higher than that of non placenta accreta group(P<0.05). The incidence of postpartum hemorrhage, disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC), hemorrhagic shock, hysterectomy and puerperal infection in the placenta accreta group were significantly higher than that in non placenta accreta group, and the incidence of hemorrhagic shock in emergent group was higher than that in selective group(P<0.05).Conclusion: The risk of placenta accreta in patients with pernicious placenta previa is high, and the incidence of massive bleeding, DIC, hemorrhagic shock, puerperal infection and hysterectomy is either high. Elective operation must be performed for gain low risk of postpartum hemorrhage.


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