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作者:曹晓卉1  沈丽华2  杨志慧1  梅佳1  殷正进1  孙桂凤1  张缨1 
单位:1. 东部战区总医院 病理科, 江苏 南京 210002;
2. 南京医科大学附属脑科医院 病理科, 江苏 南京 210029
关键词:纤维支气管镜 结核分枝杆菌 外周血结核感染T细胞检测 抗酸染色 实时荧光聚合酶链反应 

目的: 比较外周血结核感染T细胞检测、抗酸染色和实时荧光聚合酶链反应法(qRT-PCR)检测结核分枝杆菌的灵敏度,探索临床检出结核分枝杆菌的更优方案。方法: 选取临床确诊的80例肺结核患者,应用抗酸染色法及qRT-PCR回顾性检测其纤维支气管镜活检标本,并与其外周血结核感染T细胞检测结果相比较。结果: 80例临床确诊肺结核病例中,传统的外周血结核感染T细胞检测阳性66例,qRT-PCR检测阳性76例,抗酸染色检测阳性75例。抗酸染色和qRT-PCR检测的灵敏度高于外周血结核感染T细胞检测,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05),联用抗酸染色和qRT-PCR检测结核分枝杆菌阳性78例,在其单独运用的基础上又进一步提高了灵敏度。结论: 经纤维支气管镜活检取出的有限标本中,若标本充足应先行灵敏度较高qRT-PCR检测,联合抗酸染色可使灵敏度进一步提高。

Objective: To explore a better solution for clinical detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis by using the combination of T-SPOT.TB, Ziehl-Neelsen and fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction(qRT-PCR). Methods: Ziehl-Neelsen and qRT-PCR were used to detect mycobacterium tuberculosis in 80 patients with clinical diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, the results were compared with T-SPOT.TB. Results: Among the 80 cases of clinical confirmed tuberculosis, 66 cases were positive by the traditional T-SPOT.TB, 76 cases were positive by qRT-PCR, 75 cases were positive by Ziehl-Neelsen. The sensitivity of Ziehl-Neelsen and qRT-PCR detection was higher than that T-spot.TB, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05),78 cases of mycobacterium tuberculosis were positive by Ziehl-Neelsen and qRT-PCR, the sensitivity was higher than that using them alone. Conclusion: Limited by bronchoscopic biopsy specimens of fibers withdrawn, qRT-PCR should be performed first, and the sensitivity can be further improved if combined with Ziehl-Neelsen.


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