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作者:沙盘芳  周晓霞 
单位:张家港市第五人民医院 护理部, 江苏 张家港 215600
关键词:新护士 转型冲击 隐性缺勤 职业认同 


Objective: To explore the mediating role of professional identity in the new nurses' transition shockand hidden absenteeism.Methods: 230 new nurses were selected by convenience sampling method from 3 second-level hospitals as the research objects. The General Information Questionnaire, the Transition Shock of Newly Graduated Nurses Scale(TSNGNS), and the Stanford Hidden AbsenteeismScale and nurses' professional identity scale were used to investigate.Results: The total scores of TSNGNS, StanfordHidden Absenteeism, and professionalidentity scale were (92.78±18.67) (18.22±3.86) and (94.72±14.76) points, respectively; professionalidentity was significantly negatively correlated with transition shock and hidden absenteeism of newly graduated nurses(P<0.05), there was a significantly positive correlation between transition shock of newly graduated nurses and hidden absenteeism (P<0.05); professionalidentity had a partial mediating effect between the transition shock and hidden absenteeism of newly graduated nurses, with a contribution rate of 43.6%.Conclusion: The transition shock, hidden absenteeism and professional identity of newly graduatednurses are all at a medium level and need to be improved. Transition shock can affect hidden absenteeism through professionalidentity. Hospital managers should help newly graduated nurses reduce the impact of transition shock and pay attention to the cultivation of their professional identity, reduce the rate of hidden absenteeism of newly graduated nurses and improve their job satisfaction, and ultimately promote the stable development of the nursing team.


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