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作者:王佳敏  崔玲  宋晓 
单位:河北北方学院附属第一医院 放射治疗科, 河北 张家口 075000
关键词:生殖系统肿瘤 放疗 癌因性疲乏 心境状态 应对方式 


Objective: To investigate the relationship between cancer-caused fatigue and state of mind, coping style and countermeasures in patients undergoing radiotherapy for genital tumors. Methods: 120 patients undergoing radiotherapy for genital tumors in our hospital from October 2019 to October 2021 were selected as study subjects, and the Cancer Fatigue Scale(CFS), Brief Mood State Questionnaire(POMS-SF), and Simple Coping Questionnaire(SCSQ) were used to evaluate cancer-caused fatigue, mood state, and coping style. Correlation analysis, regression analysis, and mediating effect analysis were performed among the variables. Results: Total CFS score was 32.56±6.67 points, total SCSQ-positive coping score was(16.66±2.68) points, total negative coping score was(21.75±1.06) points, and total POMS-SF score was(134.76±10.03) points in patients undergoing radiotherapy for genital tumors. Pearson correlation showed that the dimensions and total scores of cancer-caused fatigue were positively correlated with state of mind and negative coping. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that negative coping and state of mind had predictive effect on cancer-caused fatigue in patients undergoing radiotherapy for genital tumors(P<0.05). Multiple mediated effects model and Bootatrap test showed that state of mind could indirectly influence cancer-caused fatigue through negative coping(χ2=1.833, P=0.074, GFI=0.983, AGFI=0.955, NFI=0.981, RFI=0.950, IFI=0.992, TLI=0.982, CFI=0.988, RMSEA=0.056), with a mediated effect size of 35.71%. Conclusion: In clinical practice, music therapy and imagery relaxation training can be used to improve the state of mind in patients undergoing radiotherapy for genital tumors, strengthen their confidence in treatment, and adopt positive coping methods to reduce cancer-caused fatigue and promote physical and mental health.


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