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中国11市412 755例新生儿宫内生长等级分类评价报告
作者:黄小云1  朱元方1  刘惠龙1  符免艾2  刘传永3  曾定元4  贺骏5  施庆喜6  陈长水7  朱斌8  王高雄9  石浩10  卢浩华11 
单位:1. 深圳市宝安区妇幼保健院, 广东 深圳 518102;
2. 海口市妇幼保健院, 海南 海口 571103;
3. 重庆市万州区妇幼保健院, 重庆 400010;
4. 柳州市妇幼保健院, 广西 柳州 545001;
5. 长沙市妇幼保健院, 湖南 长沙 410007;
6. 连云港市妇幼保健院, 江苏 连云港 222
关键词:宫内生长曲线 单胎 双胎 新生儿 出生体重 

目的:开展新生儿群体宫内生长等级分类评价,获得新生儿宫内生长水平的客观证据。方法:以《2015年深圳单胎儿、双胎儿出生体重、身长、头围、胸围、顶臀长百分位曲线》为评价参考标准,对中国11市11家妇幼保健院2017—2020年出生的412 755例单胎儿和双胎儿进行宫内生长等级分类评价。结果:获得中国11市395 583例单胎儿、17 172例双胎儿下等、中下等、中等、中上等、上等、小于胎龄儿(SGA)、适于胎龄儿(AGA)、大于胎龄儿(LGA)、营养不良儿、肥胖儿人数和构成比数据。单胎儿出生体重水平从低到高排位:海口、桂林、柳州、广州、泉州、深圳、成都、重庆、长沙、宁波、连云港。双胎儿出生体重水平从低到高排位:柳州、泉州、桂林、海口、广州、成都、重庆、深圳、长沙、宁波、连云港。验证了海口、桂林、柳州、广州、泉州、深圳、重庆、成都、长沙9市合计单胎儿、双胎儿出生体重水平与《2015年深圳单胎儿、双胎儿出生体重曲线》接近;验证了宁波市和连云港市合计单胎儿、双胎儿出生体重水平明显高于《2015年深圳单胎儿、双胎儿出生体重曲线》水平。结论:获得中国11市新生儿宫内生长水平及其排位的客观数据。《2015年深圳单胎儿、双胎儿出生体重曲线》可作为11市新生儿宫内生长评价的参考标准。

Objective: To classify and evaluate the neonate intrauterine growth grade in order to obtain the objective evidence of neonate intrauterine growth level. Methods: In accordance with the standard of Birth Weight, Length, Head Circumference, Chest Circumference, and Crown-Rump Length Percentile Curves of Shenzhen Singleton and Twin Neonates, intrauterine growth grade of 412 755 singleton and twin neonates delivered in 11 maternal and child health care hospitals of 11 cities in China from 2017 to 2020 was evaluated and classified. Results: The number and the composition ratio of 395 583 singleton neonate and 17 172 twin neonates classified as low, low-middle, middle, up-middle, upper, small-for-gestational-age(SGA), appropriate-for-gestational-age(AGA), large-for-gestational-age(LGA), malnourished children, obese children in 11 cities were obtained. Birth weight level of singleton neonates from the lowest to the highest ranked as follows:Haikou, Guilin, Liuzhou, Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Chengdu, Changsha, Ningbo and Lianyungang. The birth weight level of twin neonates from the lowest to the highest rank was Liuzhou, Quanzhou, Guilin, Haikou, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Chengdu Shenzhen, Changsha, Ningbo and Lianyungang. The results showed that the birth weight curve level of singleton neonates and twin neonates in Haikou, Guilin, Liuzhou, Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Chengdu and Changsha was basically the same as that of Shenzhen Singleton Neonates and Twin Neonates in 2015. The Birth Weight Curve Level of Singleton Neonates and Twin Neonates in Ningbo and Lianyungang was verified to be significantly higher than that of Shenzhen Singleton Neonates and Twin Neonates in 2015. Conclusion: The objective data of intrauterine growth level and the ranking of singleton and twin neonates in 11 cities are obtained. The Birth Weight Curve of Singleton and Twin Neonates of Shenzhen in 2015 can be used as an evaluation standard for the 11 cities in China.


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