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作者:乔春梅1  瞿迁2  方铁根2  李成年2 
单位:1. 湖北职业技术学院, 湖北 孝感 432000;
2. 湖北中医药大学 中医临床学院, 湖北 武汉 430065
关键词:不寐 数据挖掘 清代 用药规律 

目的:通过搜集医案,分析清代医家治疗不寐的用药规律。方法:将《中华医典》收集的医案方剂导入古今医案云平台(V2.3.5),借助其数据挖掘功能分析药物使用频次,四气五味、功效归经分布,药物的关联及聚类规则。结果:共收集到符合条件的处方316个,共计363个药物,使用频次3 303次,药物频次≥30次的药味有27个,排名前5位的高频药物依次为酸枣仁、茯神、半夏、茯苓、首乌藤。四气分布以平为主,五味以甘、苦、辛为主。药物功效主要集中于宁心,其次为养血安神、清热凉血。归经以肺、心、脾经为主。排名前3位关联药物组合位“首乌藤,茯神”、“茯神,酸枣仁”、“酸枣仁、龙眼肉”。对频次前20位的药味进行聚类分析,得到5个核心药物组合。结论:清代医家治疗不寐以滋阴宁心安神为本,兼顾清热、化痰、理气,标本同治。

Objective: To analyze the medication rules of Qing Dynasty physicians in treating insomnia based on data mining of Chinese medical records. Methods: The medical prescriptions collected by Chinese Medical Dictionary were imported into the ancient and modern medical record cloud platform(V2.3.5), and the data mining approach was used to analyze the frequency of drug use, the Si Qi and Wu Wei, the efficacy and meridian distribution, and the association and clustering rules of drugs. Results: A total of 316 qualified prescriptions were collected, with a total of 363 drugs. The frequency of use was 3 303 and there were 27 flavors with a drug frequency of ≥ 30. The top 5 high-frequency drugs were screened out, i.e., Suanzaoren, Fushen, Pinellia, Poria, and Shouwu vine. The distribution of the Si Qi was mainly flat, and the Wu Wei was mainly sweet, bitter and acrid. The efficacy of the drug mainly focused on calming the heart, followed by nourishing blood and calming the nerves, clearing heat and cooling blood. The main channels were the lung, heart and spleen. The top 3 related drug combinations were "Shouwuteng, Fushen", "Fu Shen, Suanzaoren", "Suanzaoren, Longyan rou". Cluster analysis was performed on the top 20 drugs in frequency, and 5 core drug combinations were obtained. Conclusion: Physicians in the Qing Dynasty treat insomnia on the basis of calming the heart and nerves, take nourishing yin, clearing heat and resolving phlegm into account, and flexibly apply qi-regulating medicines to strengthen the body and eliminate pathogens.


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