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作者:校益章  姚虎  杨敏  曾琼  辜伟伟 
单位:十堰市疾病预防控制中心, 湖北 十堰 442000
关键词:南水北调 水源区 健康素养 影响因素 


Objective: To understand the present situation of residents' health literacy in the Water Supplying Core Area of Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project, and to provide a reference for the government and health departments to formulate timely health promotion and education policies in accordance with the actual situation in the water supplying core area. Methods: Using multistage stratified random sampling method, the permanent population aged 15-69 in water source area was selected, and the questionnaire was carried out according to the "birthday method ". Results: The overall health literacy level of the residents in the water supplying core area was 25.39%. In the three aspects of health literacy levels, the level of basic knowledge and concept literacy was the highest(54.55%). In the literacy level of six health problems, the health information(54.55%), basic medical treatment(54.55%) and chronic disease prevention and treatment(54.55%) were low. The age and education levels were the main factors affecting the health literacy level of local residents. Conclusion: The overall health literacy of the residents in the water supplying core area is better, but the imbalance is prominent. The promotion of health literacy should focus on the weak areas and key population so as to improve the balance and sustainability of the health literacy level of the residents in the water source area.


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