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作者:丁艳1  栾纪梅1  钱共匋2  李小杉3  顾晓峰4 
单位:1. 南京医科大学附属无锡人民医院 纪委监察办, 江苏 无锡 214023;
2. 南京医科大学附属无锡人民医院 医务处, 江苏 无锡 214023;
3. 南京医科大学附属无锡人民医院 肺移植中心, 江苏 无锡 214023;
4. 南京医科大学附属无锡人民医院 院长办公室, 江苏 无锡 214023
关键词:公立医院 医务人员 工作满意度 监测 


Objective: To investigate the status and trends of employee satisfaction in public hospitals, and to provide a basis for improving their job satisfaction.Methods:A questionnaire survey was used to investigate the job satisfaction of employees in a public hospital for three consecutive years from 2020 to 2022. The dynamic trends of overall and each dimension of satisfaction were examined. A multiple linear regression model was used to adjust for potential confounders to explore the differences in the overall scores as well as the scores of each dimension among the 3 years.Results:From 2020 to 2022, the overall scores of employees were 65.94, 62.97, and 60.71, showing a decreasing trend year by year, and the scores of each dimension also showed the same decreasing trend. The scores of the dimension of peer relationship were 77.23, 76.93 and 75.05, the scores of the dimension of superior-subordinate relationship were 63.60, 61.52 and 59.06, the scores of the dimension of work content and environment were 59.69, 57.32 and 55.64, the scores of the dimension of development and promotion were 66.50, 63.07 and 60.50, and the scores of the dimension of salary and welfare were 64.10, 58.23 and 55.45 respectively during the three years. After adjusting for potential confounders, the overall and dimensional satisfaction scores still showed a decreasing trend(P<0.001).Conclusion: It is necessary to establish a salary system and promotion mechanism in line with the characteristics of staff in hospital, and improve the working environment to continuously enhance the job satisfaction of medical staff.


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