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作者:杨璇璇  蒋昕  马萱  车雅洁  颜萍 
单位:新疆医科大学 护理学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830054
关键词:肌少症 认知功能 体力活动 社区老年人 相关性 

目的:研究乌鲁木齐市社区老年人肌少症与认知功能、体力活动水平和体力活动类型的现状及相关性,为防治老年人肌少症提供依据。方法:采用便利抽样法,于2022年1月至7月,选取乌鲁木齐市65岁及以上的社区老年人为调查对象;采用亚洲肌少症工作组2019年标准诊断社区老年人罹患肌少症的情况,采用简易精神状态检查量表(MMSE)、老年人体力活动量表(PASE)评估老年人认知功能与体力活动水平,分析认知功能、体力活动水平和体力活动类型对社区老年人罹患肌少症的影响。结果:共调查534例老年人,年龄65~93岁,平均(73.04±5.85) 岁。社区老年人的肌少症患病率为15.36%;MMSE评分和PASE评分与肌少症呈负相关(P<0.05);二元Logistic逐步回归分析显示,较高的定向力(OR=0.737,95%CI 0.627~0.867,P<0.05)、休闲性活动(OR=0.979,95%CI 0.968~0.991,P<0.05)和家务性活动(OR=0.991,95%CI 0.983~0.999,P<0.05)评分为肌少症的保护因素;每日静坐>4 h(OR=5.129,95%CI 2.840~9.266,P<0.05)是肌少症的危险因素。结论:社区老年人肌少症与认知功能和体力活动有关,社区卫生保健人员需重视对老年人肌少症的筛查并评估认知功能及体力活动水平,进行积极的预防,建议老年人减少静坐时间,进行适量的体力活动以减少肌少症的发生,维持认知功能。

Objective: To explore the correlation between sarcopenia and cognitive function, physical activity level and type of physical activity among the community-dwelling elderly in Urumqi, and to provide evidence for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia of the elderly. Methods: From January to July 2022, the community-dwelling elderly aged 65 and above in Urumqi were selected by convenient sampling. The diagnostic criteria of Asian Sarcopenia Working Group in 2019 was adopted to diagnose the situation of community-dwelling elderly suffering from sarcopenia. The Mini-Mental Status Examination(MMSE) and Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly(PASE) were used to evaluate the cognitive function and physical activity level of the elderly, and the influence of cognitive function, physical activity level and type of physical activity on community-dwelling elderly suffering from sarcopenia were analyzed. Results:A total of 534 elderly people aged 65-93(73.04±5.85) years we investigated. The prevalence rates of sarcopenia among the community-dwelling elderly were 15.36%; MMSE and PASE scores were negatively correlated with sarcopenia(P<0.05); Logistic stepwise regression analysis showed that higher scores of orientation(OR=0.737, 95%CI 0.627-0.867, P<0.05), leisure activities(OR=0.979, 95%CI 0.968-0.991, P<0.05)and housework activities(OR=0.991, 95%CI 0.983-0.999, P<0.05)were the protective factors of sarcopenia(P<0.05); keeping doing a sedentary behavior more than 4 hours(OR=5.129, 95%CI 2.840-9.266, P<0.05)a day was a risk factor for sarcopenia. Conclusion: Community-dwelling elderly sarcopenia is related to cognitive function and physical activity. Community health care personnel should pay attention to the screening of elderly sarcopenia and evaluate the level of cognitive function and physical activity, and actively take the initiative to prevent it. It is recommended that the elderly should reduce the time of sedentary behavior, take appropriate physical activity to reduce the occurrence of sarcopenia and maintain cognitive function.


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