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作者:李秋夙  吴燕平 
单位:东南大学医学院, 江苏 南京 210009
关键词:老年人群 运动依从性 CiteSpace 文献计量学 热点分析 

目的:分析当前老年人群运动依从性研究热点和研究趋势,为我国老年人群运动依从性研究提供参考与借鉴。方法:检索Web of Science核心合集数据库,并使用CiteSpace软件对纳入的文献进行分析。结果:最终纳入1 097篇文章,老年人群运动依从性相关研究年发文量呈上升趋势,美国发文量最高。高产作者是Keith D Hill教授。研究热点集中于研究人群、运动方式及评价指标等方面。结论:老年人群运动依从性研究热度较高,但国内研究起步较晚,与国外研究进展存在显著差异,需促进国家间的交流合作,加深研究层次,帮助构建适用于我国老年人群的运动依从性干预方案,解决实际问题。

Objective: To analyze the current status and research trends of exercise adherence research in the elderly population, and provide reference for exercise adherence research in the elderly population in China.Methods: The Web of Science Core Collection database was searched and the included literature was analyzed using CiteSpace software.Results: A total of 1 097 articles were eventually included. The number of annual publications of studies related to exercise adherence in the elderly population showed an increasing trend. The highest number of publications was found in the United States, the prolific author was Prof. Keith D Hill. The research hotspots focused on the study population, exercise types and evaluation indicators.Conclusion: Foreign researchers have paid attention to the problem of exercise adherence in the elderly population and conducted studies earlier than Chinese researchers. There is a demand to promote international exchanges to help construct an exercise adherence intervention program applicable to the elderly population in China and resolve practical problems.


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