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作者:陈义  高枫 
单位:无锡市中医医院 心血管科, 江苏 无锡 214000
关键词:骨保护素 破骨细胞分化因子 高血压 左室厚度 室间隔 


Objective: To analyze the correlation between serum OPG/RANKL ratio and hypertension complicated with left ventricular hypertrophy. Methods: 87 research objects were divided into a healthy group(27 cases) and a hypertensive group(60 cases), in which the hypertensive group was subdivided into group without left ventricular hypertrophy(30 cases) and a group with left ventricular hypertrophy(30 cases). All research objects had to be detected the level of serum OPG、RANKL,then calculated the OPG/RANKL ratio. Results: Compared with the healthy group, serum OPG levels and serum OPG/RANKL ratio were significantly higher and serum RANKL levels were significantly lower in the hypertensive group, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Compared with the hypertensive group without left ventricular hypertrophy, the hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy group showed a statistically significant increase in serum OPG levels, serum OPG/RANKL ratio, and a statistically significant decrease in serum RANKL levels(P<0.001). There was a positive linear correlation between interventricular septal thickness and the level of serum OPG、OPG/RANKL ratio(r=0.685, 0.636;P<0.001), and negativery correlated with serum RANKL levels(r=-0.546,P<0.001). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that blood pressure elevated and serum OPG/RANKL ratio were an important factors to the increased thickness of interventricular septum(B=0.076,P<0.001). Conclusion: The serum OPG/RANKL ratio indicated that it might be used as a laboratory indicator for the evaluation of hypertensions' left ventricula.


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